În spatele privirii sale intense și a zâmbetului enigmatic, se ascunde o poveste de determinare și pasiune rar întâlnită. Christiana Mongol Budica, un nume cu rezonanță puternică în lumea artelor marțiale, nu este doar o campioană mondială la Kickboxing și MMA, ci și o artistă cu o sensibilitate aparte.
Crescută în București, într-o familie cu un bogat patrimoniu sportiv, Christiana și-a dezvoltat abilitățile încă de la o vârstă fragedă, transformându-se într-o forță de neoprit. Dincolo de succesele sale sportive, Christiana este și un speaker motivațional captivant, al cărui talent de a inspira oamenii transcende cuvintele.
Cu o prezență magnetică și o poveste de viață fascinantă, ea a cucerit inimile celor care au avut privilegiul de a o asculta. Fie că este în ring, în fața unei pânze sau pe scenă, Christiana Budica întruchipează puterea transformatoare a perseverenței și creativității, lăsând o amprentă de neșters oriunde merge.
Christiana "Mongol" Budica (born Stancu) (July 19, 1991) is Martial Arts and Kickboxing World Champion who is also specialized in Byzantine Iconography and a professional painter, motivational speaker and actress.
Christiana was raised in Bucharest, Romania, born from a professional bowling player (mother) and a jujitsu martial artist (father). She had an early start in both martial arts and painting, her second profession. Her parents observed her talents since she was only three years old. She began her career in combat sports at age 9 while painting in the same school complex where the father of one of her painting colleagues was a martial arts coach. She retired from her Kyokushin karate career after 9 glamorous years, to begin developing in the art of Kempo, and then started her Kickboxing and MMA career, being the first woman in Romania to ever enter a cage and win an international World Title under Igor Vovchanchyn. Later, Christiana would also pursue her boxing and wrestling career, making international results in 9 different fighting styles and sports, with 3 black belts in Kempo, Taekwondo and Karate
Christiana took part in several kyokushin and kempo events in Japan, where she met Ray Sefo, Jayson Vemoa or the coaches of Francisco Filho and Glaube Feitosa, Yoshiji Soeno and started learning from them. Her models are Benny "the Jet" Urquidez, Chuck Norris, Fedor Emelianenko, Mirko "Cro Cop'' Filipovic. Portuguese champion José (Zé) Fortes also educated her on Muay Thai.
She became a graduate in Theology, Sacred Art, Iconographic Painting, with the paper "The three ways of worship of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke", for which she obtained the maximum grade. She supports her sports activity by painting, her works being sold in her native country and abroad. In 2022 she opened her first personal painting exhibition called "One way" having an amazing critics review and selling all her paintings.
She has been invited to speak in different events about her success story both life and sport. Because of her great speaking talent she influences in a positive way many people. Since 2015, she has been invited to the TEDxTalks stage and becomes a professional speaker, inspiring people from everywhere through this unique combination of professions and intellectual concerns alike.
Along with her spouse, Christiana has created the Societies Magazine, an international cultural magazine, with a general view over the Romanian society and the foreign societies Romania is interacting with. Also, she is the general editor for Sport Revolution Magazine, the best sports magazine in Romania.
Christiana was a special reporter for the Indoor and Martial Arts Games, held in Ashgabad, Turkmenistan, 2017, for the Asian Games.
She is noticed by the cinematic world, and in 2015 she films her first action role then the first music video in which she is the protagonist and obtains a contract as a stunt double for the main actress in an international film. In 2021, together with her husband, the historian and sports journalist, Octavian Budică, she films an independent project, Ter Chono - a Mongolian story, a historical short film that managed to collect international awards all over the world, in which Christiana plays the main role, that of the Mongolian warrior princess, Ter Chono. The film is based on the idea of Octavian Budică, who also wrote the story and produced the movie.
- 2015 Sportivul of the year in Romania, awarded by Grupul Alexandrion
- 2015 Persoana anului în sport, premiat de Cotidianul
- 2016 Femeia anului, premiată de Lady Gala
- 2018 Femeia anului în sport, premiată de DeBizz
- 2018 Best Pro Fighter, premiat de DSTB (Direcţia de Sport si Tineret Bucureşti)
- 2020 Premiul special „Femeia anului” Lumina International & Cherish Life Foundation
- 2021 Cel mai bun luptător Fihgt4KO IFMA Turcia, premiat Mali Production
- 2021 Cel mai bun luptător profesional Thaiboxing Fight4KO WMC Thailanda
- 2023 Top 100 sportive ale Romaniei FORTA FEMEILOR IN SPORT